Color Theme Tips for a Child’s Bedroom

It might seem like a fun task to redecorate a child’s bedroom, but some parents quickly find themselves overwhelmed at the many decisions that need to be made. Even though you need to pick out paint colors, furniture, and décor, this process can be simplified if you follow these tips.

Include the Child in the Decision-Making Process

If you want your child to like the room, then you need to make sure that you include them in the decisions that are made. Even young children respond to different colors, so it is helpful to make sure that you are choosing a palette that they will enjoy.

You shouldn’t necessarily give the child free-reign to choose bright, bold colors for the walls. But, talk to them about the overall color theme that they prefer, then you can choose the specific hues that will create a comfortable environment.

For example, if a child is drawn to hot pink and neon green, you could choose a complimentary pastel pink for an accent wall and use throw pillows on the bed to pull in the brighter colors. It is important that the room is relaxing and calm since the child will be sleeping in this space.

Accent, Don’t Overwhelm

Don’t be fooled into thinking that it will look good to paint all 4 walls with bright, bold colors. Instead, it is better to use neutral colors for the walls and choose furniture that adds the accent color. If your little girl loves the color pink, then it can be overwhelming to paint the entire room pink. But, you can turn the room into a haven by using a soft white color for the walls and choosing a bed and dresser fit for a princess.

Plan for the Future

Wall colors and certain pieces of furniture can last for many years. Parents often make the mistake of decorating the baby’s nursery without realizing that the room will need to be redecorated again as the child gets older.

Choose an overall color theme that can work for all ages. For a baby boy, consider navy blue instead of a pastel blue because it is likely that the navy colors can be morphed into other themes as the child grows into his teenage years.

Here at Tots to Teens, we want to help you maximize your furniture purchase so that it can be used for many years. Contact us to learn more about children’s furniture that can be used through all stages of a child’s life.