Twin over Full Bunk Bed Options

Are you looking for a way to maximize sleeping space within your child’s bedroom? Some people find that it is hard to fit multiple beds within a single room. Too much furniture can make space feel crowded and uncomfortable. Additionally, the child will have limited floor room to play.

Instead of trying to fit several beds side-by-side, consider the benefits of bunk beds. This solution makes it easy to keep the floor space open and you can have multiple people sleep in the same space. Some parents choose bunk beds to have several children sleep within the same room. Other times, the bunk bed might be an option to host family or friends who would like to stay the night.

Types of Bunk Beds

Most bunk beds have two twin size mattresses, which is a standard design in the children’s furniture industry. Two twin mattresses can get the job done, but there are some benefits to choosing a twin over full bunk bed instead.

With a full-size bed on the bottom bunk, you have a little more mattress space available. This full bed can be used for two small children at once. Or, the bed is big enough that you can even have a full-grown adult sleep on the bottom full-size mattress.

These twin over full bunk bed options open up the range of possibilities in the way the bunk bed can be used. If you are planning to host guests or your child likes to have their friend sleepover, then you need to be sure that you have enough beds available for the visitors.

Furniture to Last for Years

One of the benefits of the twin over full bunk beds is that the mattress is big enough to accommodate your child as they grow. It can be expensive to purchase new furniture over and over again. If you buy the wrong types of furniture when the child is young, then it means that the child will quickly outgrow their bed. Instead of putting yourself in the position where you will need to purchase the bed again, choose a bunk bed that has a big enough mattress to accommodate a growing child.

Here at Tots to Teens Furniture, we offer a variety of furniture solutions for your child’s room. We want to make it easy for you to find the different types of furniture that you need! Take some time to view the twin over full bunk bed options that we offer, and contact us anytime if you have questions about the products that are available.